I might blog early, I might blog often and I might not blog at all. Don't get upset. It's my blog.

Maintaining Relevance for Church Revitalization and Renewal Part I Aug 19, 2015

Relevancy is a big topic these days when it comes to the rapidly declining church and what can be done about the plateau or decline. Would you classify your particular church that you have been...

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Recreating The Mindset of the Remaining Members in the Renewing Church change management Jul 22, 2015

Changing the mindset of the residual membership can often be very difficult. Senior adults occupy most of these restart candidate churches for which change is often hard to come by. Until the...

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The Critical Commitments of a Church Revitalizer personal growth Jul 15, 2015

Every church revitalizer must have a certain set of core commitments if he is to succeed in the work of church revitalization and renewal. If these focused four commitments are kept as a primary...

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Priority of Prayer for Church Revitalization and Renewal Jul 08, 2015

Prayer is foundational to the renewal of a dying church. It is useful to develop an understanding of the priority of prayer. Remember it is the Lord who builds His church and it is the basic...

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โ€œGet-er Doneโ€ Motivators for Church Revitalizers Jul 01, 2015

If you are successful as a Church Revitalizer, you will win false friends and true enemies. Strive for success no matter. The service you render today will be forgotten tomorrow. Serve people...

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Making โ€œITโ€ worth It! Jun 24, 2015

Here is a quick lesson for any Church Revitalizer about making it all worth it for you, your church, and your community as you build value.

Your Vision Must Be Compelling

You cannot build value for...

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Formula for Developing Critical Mass Jun 10, 2015

Everyone wants to see some sort of growth come back to their dying church. Many a church revitalization effort has been hurt due to the leadership within the church, both lay and clergy, waiting...

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Evangelism Approaches in Small Church Revitalization Efforts Jun 03, 2015

It might be said that one reason God “comes” to us for our own salvation is to “send” us on a mission to be instruments of divine grace in the lives of others. The approach...

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Elements Most Critical for a Church to Turn Around! May 27, 2015

There are elements and ingredients, which are essential to the turning around of any church. This list can appear to be endless, since each situation is to some degree unique and unlike even a...

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Debunking the Excuses for Procrastinating in Revitalization May 20, 2015

When I was in high school, I had come to realize I was settling into an outstanding pattern of procrastination. Often I would put off an assignment only to find my self slammed the few days before...

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Eighteen Ways to Keep Your Church from Advancing in Church Renewal Part II May 13, 2015

There are all types of seminars informing us how to grow a new church. There are a very few designed to assist the church in the area of revitalization and renewal. Often, we attend general feel...

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Eighteen Ways to Keep Your Church from Advancing in Church Renewal Part I May 06, 2015

There are all types of seminars informing us how to grow a new church. There are a very few designed to assist the church in the area of revitalization and renewal. Often, we attend general feel...

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