I might blog early, I might blog often and I might not blog at all. Don't get upset. It's my blog.
I have been considering the huge challenges we face as ministers and as local church leaders in reaching out to the multiple generations connecting to and needing to connect to the church. Some...
Our Guest Blogger for this month is Chris Randazzo, a 28-year Cru staff who works in their FamilyLife ministry. Chris and his family have lived in the Central Florida area for 15 years. His heart...
Even in the local church, just like the work place there are generational differences. What each generation’s value is a good sign for the local church seeking to remain focused on reaching...
Have you ever stopped to consider what makes the under thirty group in your church the way that they are? This is not an effort to blame any given institution yet the elementary school structure...
Why do so many worshippers disengage from our worship formats as they are practiced today? If you speak to various generations of church worshippers today it will not take long to discover that...
The following article on scaffolding members is based on a section in the upcoming book Pastoral Helmsmenship: A Pastor’s Guide to Church Administration. When taking a pastorate with the...
2 Timothy 1:7
The word paradigm comes from the Greek word paradigma, which means a...
I want to talk about surviving the storms in church revitalization and renewal. If you are going to work in the field of church revitalization you will often be facing various squalls, tempest,...
A number of recent articles suggest that long-tenured pastors are not the most effective revitalization leaders, which may generally be true. My advice to the long-tenured revitalizer is –...
Part III: Doctrinal issues that may (or may not) be a problem
In 1994, I was a part of a church planting “probe” in Santa Maria, California. As our group went door to door, we asked,...
Part II: Failed strategies for growth
Dr. Rodney Harrison
In this article, I will identify and comment on several failed strategies used by church leaders to bring growth to a plateaued or...
In this post, Dr. Rodney Harrison, Director of Doctoral Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO will be discussing why people are leaving our churches. Dr. Harrison has...
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