I might blog early, I might blog often and I might not blog at all. Don't get upset. It's my blog.
Become Less Isolated and Be More Integrated with Your Volunteers
Church Revitalizers work towards increasing collaboration with volunteers. Successful revitalizers know that their success is highly...
Become Impassioned Pioneers of New Possibilities
Church Revitalizers must become impassioned pioneers of new possibilities. One needs to release their passionate quest of excellence in order to...
Become Impassioned Pioneers of New Possibilities
Church Revitalizers must become impassioned pioneers of new possibilities. One needs to release their passionate quest of excellence in order to...
An Opportunity for a New Beginning
New things give us an occasion to start over. Wise revitalizers challenge their churches early in the New Year to see a compelling vision of what the church could...
The beginning of a new year allows individual churches and individual Church Revitalizers the opportunity to rethink the previous years work and begin on a new note with renewed vigor and ample...
Legendary football coach Paul 'Bear' Bryant said, "Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you'll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don't have a plan. That's why it's is easy to beat...
I was hanging out preparing to watch Carrie Underwood perform in a three-hour remake of the Sound of Music when it flashed across the television with Scott Pelly that Nelson Mandela had passed...
The race is about to begin! You are waiting at the starting line for the starter’s horn to sound and the sailing race to commence! The timer’s clock shows there is still twenty minutes...
What is HOPE?
Hope defined by Webster’s II New College Dictionary, is “to wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.” Hope means the confidence to trust in your...
Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:10-12
The most critical key to...
Church Revitalizers are called to all sorts of locales in order to be used of God in church revitalization and renewal. Some are called while there is still a faint flicker of fire left in...
Often referred to as the Titanic Syndrome, when something you think would be the best actually becomes the worse. Sometimes the blog you do not want to write is the one you must write. This...
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