I might blog early, I might blog often and I might not blog at all. Don't get upset. It's my blog.
It was a frustrating time for me in the spring of 2008. I had just been to the eye doctor and discovered my eyesight was continually getting worse. A few years earlier I had developed...
Every church revitalizer has individuals within their congregation that are at times abrasive to others within the church. Though these individuals are somewhat relationally out of step with the...
Much has been written about the importance of vision, and rightly so. Without vision, one wanders around in darkness. That is why leaders, in an attempt to reinforce the power of vision frequently...
Once the local church has begun the process of church revitalization there are some key elements you will want to develop during the initiation stage of your revitalization efforts. Some of these...
The church is in need of restoration in our day, in fact the American church is in the longest drought from revival in its history. Pockets of revival have sprung up from time to time, but nothing...
Church Revitalizers must understand the pace issues when it come to making change. There is nothing more permanent except change! Change often frightens people. People do not relax well in the...
Church revitalization often involves re-visioning your ministry context. However, re-visioning a context that involves real people and real situations can be daunting. It takes courage to lead...
One of the best things I have come to realize about being a Student Pastor is that at any point, any season, and for any reason I feel called to act, I can completely change what I do not like...
There are Six Paradigm or Model Shifts for Church Revitalization that addresses the current crises of leader quantity and quality:
1. A new goal of sustainable critical mass
Traditionally, within...
Like many successful sports teams good church revitalization teams have the same features. Take a look at the three characteristics that will help you build a strong church revitalization team.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts1:8.
It is...
In an increasingly fast and changing world of business, strategies and practices of effective people are always under a microscope. Their habits are examined and shared in hopes of setting...
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