Priority of Prayer for Church Revitalization and Renewal
Jul 08, 2015Prayer is foundational to the renewal of a dying church. It is useful to develop an understanding of the priority of prayer. Remember it is the Lord who builds His church and it is the basic element in the revitalization of a declining church. When there is a consistent prayer covering it become the vital link between God and the church Revitalizer who is called to transform the church. The three best biblical examples of prayer by individuals is:
The example of Jesus
The example of Peter
The example of Paul
Here are a few questions every church revitalizer must be asked as they consider turning around a church.
Do I have a personal quiet time?
Do my spouse and I pray together?
Are we involved as a family in prayer?
To whom am I accountable for my quiet time?
Every church revitalization effort requires an intercessory prayer team to be developed and to lift up the work of revitalization. What makes a good type of individual to serve on such an intercessory prayer team? Here are a few ideas:
They have a passion for the lost and church planting.
They are already people of prayer.
They have demonstrated an interest in your life and ministry.
They are people who are faithful in their prayer commitments.
They know how to keep confidences.
If you are thinking about developing such a team here is my quick list of essentials for enlisting your prayer warriors which will bath the work of revitalization in prayer:
Develop an invitational piece.
Include a covenant agreement.
Develop an ongoing communication plan.
Develop a praying church
Whatever you want at the end, build in at the beginning.
Make prayer more than bookends.
Teach prayer.
Develop some specific prayer ministry(ies).
Use the seasons of prayer for world missions.