Formula for Developing Critical Mass
Jun 10, 2015Everyone wants to see some sort of growth come back to their dying church. Many a church revitalization effort has been hurt due to the leadership within the church, both lay and clergy, waiting too long before they addressed the issue of critical mass. Critical Mass is that size of any church where it has enough members actively working and participating in the weekly work of ministry growth. When a church has waited too long to address the issue of critical mass, it is almost sure the church will die even if for a moment it keeps it head above the water of closure. Here is a quick formula for developing and keeping critical mass in ones church:
1 % of the church membership is in pastoral leadership
Plus 6% of the church membership is passionate about the future of the church
Plus 14% of the churches leaders are in positions willingly and are advocating for the future renewal of the church
Plus 42% of the church are actively participating and willingly following future directions of the church
This simple formula equals a growing critical mass for growth and the eventual revitalization of the congregation.