I might blog early, I might blog often and I might not blog at all. Don't get upset. It's my blog.
Change often frightens people. People do not relax well in the midst of change. It makes them anxious. As a church planter you will discover that nothing is more challenging than leading through...
Church Revitalization is a movement within protestant evangelicalism, which emphasizes the missional work of turning a plateaued or rapidly declining church around and moving it back towards...
As I wrote in my book, SPIN-OFF Churches (B&H Pub), we are living in a Starbucks culture while changing from a Folgers world!
Today what used to pass as an acceptable cup of coffee at...
Do churches ever misrepresent themselves? Sure they do! Ask most pastors within their first two to three years of being on a church field.
“They told me they were mission-minded. They said...
In-depth Congregational Analysis
Revitalization is an on-going topic. Many authors have recently have weighed in on this topic. The problems with the church have been exhaustingly documented in social media and surveys. Thom...
After going through a devastating split with the church seven years ago, I've spent the last years rebuilding from scratch the core of the church. I think we've been very successful in realigning...
A group of people from a local church approached me recently very concerned about the survivability of their congregation. As I listened, I heard them say that they only had fifteen active adults...
Of all the many fears and excuses that Christians use for not winning souls, we will name what we believe to be the four big ones. In one sense these four fears are legitimate fears. For this...
Sometimes life forces us to seemingly start all over again. We start the Christmas Fund again this year. Many of us make plans to start working out again. As Pastors, we start this week’s...
“You don’t have to have all the answers, you just have to know where to find them.”
-Albert Einstein
“Joshua son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died a at the age of...
Brainstorming with your staff can be fun. It can also be an opportunity to handle problems in a creative methodological way. Have you taken time to creatively brainstorm over a challenge you and...
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