The Critical Commitments of a Church Revitalizer
Jul 15, 2015Every church revitalizer must have a certain set of core commitments if he is to succeed in the work of church revitalization and renewal. If these focused four commitments are kept as a primary emphasis on the one who is called to revitalize the church, there is a greater chance that renewal or revitalization can be achieved. These four focused commitments are:
1. Personal growth through God’s Word.
Revitalization is difficult and without a daily walk with the Lord and a focus on His Word, it is impossible to become the change agent, which the dying church requires. Fresh manna must be received daily so as one works through the hard issues of revitalization there is a fresh step in the Church Revitalizers life.
2. Spiritual power through intercessory prayer.
People ask me all the time what is the key ingredient to church revitalization. Most want a magic pill that will fix their dying church with little or no effort. But without a doubt the single most important ingredient to renewal is the power, which comes from intercessory prayer.
3. Integrity through developing accountable relationships.
Relationships require a mutual accountability. Church Revitalizers must work at displaying spiritual integrity through the relationships they develop. Holding one another accountable is important in developing lasting relationships.
4. Strategic mission through God’s unique call.
God has called and gifted you in unique ways to be a Church Revitalizer. Just like not every minister can plant a church from scratch, not every one can take a declining church and breath life back into it. Part of that effort is God’s strategic mission and calling upon your life. Church Revitalizers must be able to make the hard calls relating to transitioning a church. Also they must have the strategic ability to be able to pull the trigger sooner than later. While revitalizers are highly relational, they are not one who takes it upon them to hold everyone’s hands. While many pastors in declining churches are holding the faithful few in their loving arms, they are just not willing Nor able to make the hard decisions, which will turnaround the church. They wait until few are left and the faithful ask them to leave.
If these focused four commitments must be kept as a primary emphasis on the one who is called to revitalize the church. If this is done, there is a greater chance that renewal or revitalization can be achieved. This leader seeks to address God’s mission call to a leader utilizing each of the other commitments. All four commitments are essential to a believer’s ability to abide in Christ, and become more effective in his service.