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STEPPING UP: A Call to Courageous Manhood!

May 28, 2014

Our Guest Blogger for this month is Chris Randazzo, a 28-year Cru staff who works in their FamilyLife ministry. Chris and his family have lived in the Central Florida area for 15 years. His heart is to help provide resources for Pastors to strengthen the marriages and families of our congregations, knowing that strong families make for strong Churches.

Do you have too many men in your church stepping up to the plate to lead their wives, lead their families, and jumping into leadership positions? If so, you can ignore this blog post and move on to the next one. If you’re still reading this, you’re probably like most Pastors, wishing you had a stronger base of leadership in the church to accomplish the ministry God has called you to … or perhaps your heart is broken over all the hurting marriages and families that are being ripped apart by selfishness, moral failure and divorce.

Unfortunately, there is no “magic pill” for this, and I’m not so naïve as to think one program will cure all, but I can tell you that many men have had a life-transformation take place after doing the Stepping Up®: A Call to Courageous Manhood video-driven men’s series, and countless others have found the encouragement and tools and motivation needed to takes steps of courageous leadership in their personal lives and in their homes. Here is a link to a brief sample of the material.

If you already have an active men’s ministry, consider using Stepping Up®: A Call to Courageous Manhood as your next resource. But if you haven’t already established a focused, intentional ministry to equip the men in your fellowship, I have a suggestion: with Father’s Day just around the corner, why not announce and launch a men’s ministry in June?!? My suggestion is to identify one man, a lay-leader or one of your staff, whom you can challenge to lead a group of men using “Stepping Up”. My guess is you won’t regret it!

To learn more about this resource, click HERE, or feel free to e-mail or call me. I’d love to help you help your men to help your church grow!


Chris Randazzo, Strategic Alliance Specialist for FamilyLife
[email protected]
Cell or Text: 407-325-3952


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