Ways the Pastor and Staff Can Kill Church Renewal
Oct 08, 2013This is a sequel to my previous blog on Ways the Laity Can Kill a Church and is the opposite side of the coin when it comes to revitalizing declining churches. In the earlier blog I shared twenty or more ways the laity could kill a church. It is only fair to present one reflecting on ways the clergy can kill a church revitalization effort.
- Act like the ministry is more about them as an individual than the community they serve.
- Divert resources from key ministries and place them in pet projects of the pastors liking and control.
- Fail to display God’s love during the challenging times of ministry.
- When traveling on ministry business stretch the purpose in order to include a quick vacation at the churches expense.
- Cancel ministry programs during the summer months so you have a more relaxed schedule.
- Be unwilling to be accountable to any other leader group within the church.
- Be more interested in meeting the press than meeting your people.
- Treat your present members like temporary scaffolding until you build a great church with more committed members.
- Hold decision making so closely that even the rest of the staff is unsure about direction and future.
- Fail to have your boots on the ground and only receive reports from the rest of the staff.
- Berate staff unmercifully in private and praise them excessively as a key player in public.
- Send staff on luxurious trips ion order to secure their loyalty for your future plans.
- Do very little relational connecting with the general participant within the church.
- Work hard at finding the next church to serve over growing your present one.
- Allow staff to be inattentive from worship services, which displays disconnect to laity in regards to public worship.
- Fail to bring all ministries together into one cohesive vision and focus and allowing staff to do their own thing.
- Be absent from the pulpit during high visitor flow days.
- Fail to set clear vision and purpose.
- Display little interest in equipping the flock for the work of the ministry.
- De-emphasize the need for developing lay leaders within the church.
- Never lead someone to Jesus.
- Seldom lead your deacons or elders just appease them.
- Cancel a regular routine of outreach and visitation.
- Place higher emphasis on the churches demonstration of appreciation for you than the Lord’s provision for one's daily needs.
- Never ask the Lord first and the people second for any guidance and counsel.