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The Seven Pillars of Church Revitalization and Renewal Part IV

Mar 31, 2015


A little bit harder certainly but not as hard as the descending order of decline that will eventually lead to the Restarting pillar of revitalization! Have you ever seen a church that once was alive and vital begin to lose its focus and drive for the cause of Christ? That is a church that needs to work on its Re-visioning strategy! Any Re-visioning strategy works to help churches dream new dreams and accomplish new goals that lead towards regrowing a healthy church! This strategy is designed for a weekend retreat tailored fit to foster a sense of ownership and team ship related to discovering a shared vision for the church. 

Understanding the critical milestones necessary for a new vision will help foster healthy church practices that might have been lost. Something as simple of achieving a great goal of some sort can begin to launch a church back into a Re-visioning strategy. Something as simple and dangerous as the Lord’s children taking an ill advised rest that resulted in a slowing or stalling of the momentum into a maintenance mentality can cause a church to become stuck.


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