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Components that Encumber Church Revitalization Part I

Jan 13, 2015

In most churches in need of church revitalization or one of the other Seven Pillars of Church Revitalization there are some elements, ingredients, or instruments that become components that are either already encumbering or will eventually impede the churches efforts to revitalize its ministry. Once a church becomes burdened with the need to begin its renewal efforts a careful look at some of the possible components that encumber most churches would be helpful!


Think about it!

What do you believe are the primary components that encumber, burden, and hinder most churches from becoming revitalized or re-engaged in effective ministry and evangelism? Let’s take a look:

Number One – A We Just Cannot Do It Mentality!

I have seen far too many churches and church leaders today in need of renewal who have a mentality that says they are not up to the task of revitalization or simply not willing to stretch them in order to become ready for the journey. Some church leaders and some churches for that matter have a very insecure view of whom they are and what it is that God desires for them to accomplish. This low self-esteem by either the pastor leader of the congregation is a huge component that will handicap any churches revitalization efforts. Likewise, when the members of a particular congregation are the ones who demonstrate this challenge, it will be extremely difficult to turn the church around if not impossible to do so. God can do all things I know for sure and yet it is usually the people of the church that God chooses to work through so if they have a defeatist or pessimistic mentality as well as low esteem it will hinder the possibilities of a great renewal work.


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