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Church Planter Pre-Assessment

Apr 05, 2019

The Church Planter Top Performer Profile Assessment is a Church Planting pre-assessment selection tool that is positioned at the very beginning of the Church Planter search process as an objective screening tool to discover qualified ministry leaders who have the capacity to plant a local church. This CPTPPA is based on our top successful church planters from all across the nation and can be utilized to qualify and to pre-select future top performers from incoming candidates for a specific local church and ministry.

Reproducing Churches Church Planting Assessment uses patent pending algorithms to find Core Values patterns in existing top performers of church planting. This validates and proves that the resulting CPTPPA will consistently identify new future top performers in the field of church planting, while screening out a vast majority of future low performers.

How this works: When a church’s mission group is in the process of searching and considering the calling of a Church Planter to lead out in the creation of a new church, the prospective candidate is sent an email with a link to the CPTPPA. The CPTPPA is then completed by the candidate and their score is automatically received by Reproducing Churches and will be shared within seven days of completion with the candidate and the local church. The report will be compared to the Church Planter Top Performance Profile Assessment. Those candidates which assess as a “high” potential for the successful planting of a healthy New Testament church are then recommended to local churches. The sponsoring church will still need to qualify the planter candidate in the areas of: character, doctrine, financial stability, and experience which is done on the local level. To take the online Church Planter Top Performer Profile, go to and use promo code TPP50 to get your 50% discount.


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