Are You a Church Revitalizer?
May 23, 2019Take the Church Revitalizer Assessment
The Renovate Group continues to discover, develop, and deploy church revitalizers who have a passion to see the plateaued, declining, or dying church recover and begin to be revitalized. Renovate has been your go to partner since 1997 in the field of church revitalization and renewal. Besides conferences, monthly equipping, creation of Renovate Publishing Group Books, The Church Revitalizer Magazine, and online Church Revitalization Courses for the local church we are also the only organization which provides the Church Revitalizer Top Performance Profile Assessments.
The Church Revitalizer Top Performance Profile Assessment is a Revitalizer pre-assessment selection tool that is positioned at the very beginning of the Church Revitalizer search process as an objective screening process to discover qualified ministry leaders who have the capacity to revitalize a local church. This CRTPPA is based on our top successful church revitalizers from all across the nation and their performance and will be utilized to qualify and to pre-select future top performers from incoming candidates for a specific local church and ministry.
Renovates Church Revitalizer Assessment uses its patent pending algorithms to find Core Values patterns in existing top performers of church revitalization and renewal. This validates and proves that the resulting CRTPPA will consistently identify new future top performers in the field of church revitalization, while screening out a vast majority of future low performers.
How this works: When a church is in the process of searching and considering the calling of a Church Revitalizer to lead their church towards a turnaround of revitalization, an assessment is ordered online at, the prospective candidate is sent an email with a link to the CRTPPA. The CRTPPA is then completed by the candidate and their score is automatically received by the Renovate Group and will be shared within seven days of completion with the candidate and the local church. the report will be compared to the Church Revitalizer Top Performance Profile Assessment. Those candidates which assess as a “high” potential for the successful revitalization of churches are then recommended to local churches. The church will still need to qualify the candidate in the areas of: character, doctrine, financial stability, and experience which is done on the local level.